Saturday, January 24, 2009

VirtualBox ( ose ) vs virtualBox ( puel)

The short is the ( newest puel) was a lot slower than the (older ose ) that i'm using on my debian5 lenny/testing2009. ========================================== The (public user enterprize license) was to slow for my verry slow 900MHZ old pentium. but the ( open source edition ) strate from debians repose works good enough for me, even though the (ose) virtualBox does not come with (USB? path-thrue) storage support. (ose) -- no usb storage. (ose) (shared folder) -- yes it can. VirtualBox-ose will do a shared folder for host/and/guest thrue a net work type setup. THE SHARED FOLDER SETTING .. is some what odd to setup.
#------------------------------- # DRAFT IN progogress.... # I'm going the kill this XP vitual machine ,, and find my notes in my linux-folders and post them ,, I will be right back. #----------------------------- Anthony-wardcraft-weapon2008 ================================= Sharing Folders Between Host and Guest Note: Before trying to mount/map shared folder you must install Guest Additions (run machine and choose "Install Guest Additions" form Device menu of machine window. Note: The client OS can not be open when adding share. On the host (ubuntu) computer, run #--------------------------- # anthony's NOTE: # in english: # after installing xp it is now a virtaul disk image. # virtualbox will run the sed vdi insisde a virtual machine.. # boot the virtual machine. # next you do the above notes. #-------------- # in english. # This is what will hapen. # NOTE: virtualbox will down load a iso file. and save it to # the ( HOST your real os ) , Then virtualBox will ask to mount the # iso as a CD.... # LOG into your ( Guest os) as adim... # go to my computer and open the CD-drive.... # This will be a installer from ( SUN's VirtualBox ) it will # install tools that make window-XP more accesible to - # ( SUN's VirtualBox). #-------------------- # When the tools finish installing you will reboot. # ( and WOW ) the vitual machine now looks diferent. # The virtual machine is now resizable, # the mouse is captured on the file now. # and if you use the setup below the share folder works. #------------------- # I hope my appended notes clear things up a little. #------------------- # I had trouble understanding the copy and paisted notes # from ubuntus user form. #----------------- # some people don't speek english nativly. ----------//////////////////////------- ---------//// now set up the share folder --------//// on the linux host side of things. On the host (ubuntu) computer, run mkdir ~/VirtualBoxShare VBoxManage sharedfolder add "XP" -name "share" -hostpath /home/your/shared/folder/VirtualBoxShare/ Where "XP" is the name of the virtual machine in VirtualBox, and "share" is the name of the share as the guest machine will see it. The hostpath must be a fully-qualified path. ======================= like this ###### $ VBoxManage sharedfolder add "XP-pro-sp3" -name "share" -hostpath /home/anthony/VirtualBoxShare/ ------------- On the Windows client, run net use x: \\vboxsvr\share