false accolades for kazam.
obama mania 2009
What has this man done to deserve such accolades
and praise from the bias media?
He hasn't had to make any tuff decisions yet.
And yet the bias media loves him with out
even proven himslef.
He has been cornated their KING by them.
(KING nothing)
But KING-nothing has yet done any thing of real note.
(fake GRAVITAS.)
bah-haha, the fake gravitas the media has anointed him with makes me laugh.
Real change we can belive in ? WTF?
It's NOT ABOUT real change for me , it's about STABLE change
that can be backed up and prosper.
Change for change sake is b*ll Sh*t if it can't prosper.
WHO will prosper???
$ $ $ $ $
(KING berry OBAMA)
( berry obama kING of all liberals)
Look what Al Gore has done with himself.
Al Gore has made himself a rich man out of doing nothing.
The global warming LIE has made Al Gore a lot of money.
(King Al Gore the enviromentalist? )
Has gotten fat off of the venture capitalist that suport his B*ll SH*T
*"I see extreme weather cycles, cold and hot, not global warming."
*" weather is not singular it does not work that way."
*" we get droughts and in other places floods."
*" we get heat waves in one place and cold white outs in another."
*" weather is not one dimensional."
Who stands to gain?
The people who will get ricth are the venture capitalist and the drop politions that sit on the boards of VC companies .
They stand to gain. $$ $$ $$
Were do you think the money for the plotitions campaigns come from?
FUND raisers just don't happen,
There are always strings atached and expectations of pay back.
brain washing not optional.