Friday, January 23, 2009

VirtualBox for the FAIL... linux fud...does it work...

VirtualBox ose
my host pc debian 2009testing/lenny -------------------- virtualBox-ose works like crap. XP-PRO crashed during the install. the gui looks pretty but thats about it. I did get XP-pro working but the only thing i did was play solitaire because i don't like WINDOW$ and window viruses. * I updated xp-pro-corparate edition to sp2 then sp3, and i was going to run windows update manager but it decided that it wanted to istall windows genuine advantage === i killed the update. genuine advantage is the main reason so many pirated versions of windows never get updated. people/pirets will not us windows update because (genuine advantage) will kill the os if you have a pireted copy of XP. (genuine advantage sucks) I would rather use linux than deal with windows update and (windows genuine advantage) VirtualBox-ose does work with xp but dislike window$ update$ so i'm not going to be a regular user of XP/windows. I prefer to use LINUX becasue i'm not forced to install stuff like "genuine advantage" (Xp breakdown) solitaire = is good. solitaire = is the only ap i realy used in xp-pro fom a virtualbox. IE === never it sucks. IE == it works but i don't like it. IE == FAIL. FAIL. FAIL. FAIL. FAIL. IE == FAIL. FAIL. FAIL. FAIL. FAIL. Opera webbrowser === i installed it and it works alot better than IE. notepad == ok wordpad == ok # * (CD's) I did not try any burner aps like my nero. * (DVD's) I did not try to rip any dvd's * (DVD rippers) i did not test DVD-shrink , dvd-decryptor or dvd4free. * I did not try stuff like cameras or printers. * (file sharing) i did not try file sharing. * (file sharing) I didn't try any torrents. * (file sharing) i didn't try any local network sharing of folders. * (crypto ) i did not try crypto tools like truecrypt, * but true crypt should work " i have no reason to use xp virtualy yet." " linux works fine for me." " but some sites that sell media require IE and window aps so i might keep my (virtual-disk-image) copies of xp-pro around to use in virtualbox-ose. Then i can use xp to download stuff from those stupid (DRM site). this way running xp-virtualy i don't have to wory about internet viruses. JUST reload a good vdi backup copy image of XP into virtualbox and no more blue screens of death." #DRM sucks. iTUNES # DRM sucks audible, audio books #DRM sucks amazon unboxed video #DRM sucks Amazon mp3 store * has no drm thats good. -------------------------------- damn small linux only worked from CD, in would not install. running from cd is faster than QEMU. partition-magic could not format the (virtualBox.vdi )image drive. This was frustating. i used partition-magic in the past with QEMU to fornmat virtual drive images and it worked for me. (VirtalBox VDI) image why don't you format? Just because virtaulbox uses a gui dos not mean that it is complete. It's not complete. go to the forums of virtualBox, it's full of hopefull user asking for help but get little tech support from virtualbox. SUGESTIONS FOR VIRTUALBOX. " Add a format image option." This way i don't have to dig around looking for my partition image cd and or my freedos cd. and where is the man page. i tryed : $ man virtualbox and #$ man virtualbox-ose i little help would be nice. one.more.time.a. little. help. would. be. nice. " virtualbox-ose is incomplete." -------------------------- (how do i instal DSL) (virtualBox failed) i had almost the same problem in the past with qemu. but i did get qemu to work. qemu to works but it was verry slow... Damn-small-linux has a lot of trouble installing into a virtual drive. i think i in-stalled free-dos first and then re-used the same virtual.image for damn-small-linux. (I freedos becuase?) I think freedos created a usable boot sector that is needed for my craping damn-small-linux install . Damn-small-linux can't do any thing with a (raw image) created by DD. freedos was able to update the image , creat partitions, format the partitions and write the much needed boot sector that damn-small-linux failed to create. ( i got it working) But the workaround was and still is verry ugly and inconvenient. "was NOT fot the (just works) crowd." istalling damn-small-linux into a virtual image was difficult. --------------------------- i don't like VirtualBox so far. i have not given freedos a try in virtualBox yet. maybe i will try it later. but so far my impression of VirtualBox is it's no better than QEMU an other emulators. ---------------------------- I don't like emulation. WINE -//// wasn't that great. QEMU --/// was to slow. VirtualBox ---/// is not complete. vmware ---//// is not free $$$$$ I don't like dualbooting, so i keep a spair computure around with XP-pro on it, for if i fill like using windows aps. printers , cameras , crap like that. ============================= I say don't fear linux , but i will pass on the emulation for now.