Tuesday, March 3, 2009

msnbc fails again #media cancer is fail

march 3RD 2009 ------------------ (fail=msnbc) MS-NBC-cancer Obermann tring to picks a fight with radio-host Rush Limbaugh and any one who does not belive in the all-mighty-OBAMA socialist-way. Obermann-cancer is still a idiot-meth-head... Obermann-cancer failed to take down O'Reilly and now he tries to: take on the veteran radeo host Rush Limbaugh. Rush Limbaugh has nothing to fear from Obermann becuase Obermann is a hack MSNBC butboy. (Butboy Obermann) Oberman-cancer is.... Still looking to demonise all and every conservative. Oberman loves to rant like a meth-head. When your ratings suck you do what you do best? Rant like a meth-head Obermann. Oberman and the new-ass kissing socialist media. are shooting their selfs in the head. Their method anti-news and love for the-anti econimy-president, will kill them selfs once the money is dew and theres not enough money to go around.. ---------------- -$ (all-mighty-OBAMA socialist-way) OBAMA-mania is not a liberal he is a socialist. OBAMA-mania has no love for the economy and the stock market. OBAMA-mania # no love for retired people and their investments. WAY to go florida-old people you elected a lemon. WOULD you take take take your vote back if you could? spend. spend . spend. spend . spend . spend. pork. pork. pork. -------------------------- march 3RD 2009 # OBEMAN anti-news-show goes on the atack against John McCain. > ,,,, McCain takes on the pork. xxx# Obama has spent more money than every other president combined in the mids of a bad enonomy. a bad econmoy created by Nancy Pelosi and her lack of control over her fellow socialist dems. Nancy Pelosi the worst leader of the democrat majority EVER. > ,,,, McCain stated that this-budget has the most pork and ear marks he has ever seen (maybe missleading? ) and this is the wrong time for this kind of spending. < < #But wait " Obermann butboy" missed the point completly. < < #because he then site that the 2004 budget was grossly larger than the 2009 budget. (maybe true but missleading and of point) XXX# becuase Butboy Obermann over looks that in 2004 their was not a economy CRISIS ... In 2004 the econmy was strong. In 2004 there was no tarp spent and In 2004 there was no recover act spent. But in 2006 the Democrats took over the Senate and it was down hill fron there. Obermann is allways wrong and allways of point he is a ridiculous CaRt00n character. ------------------- (www.olbermannwatch.com ) < < Obermann keeps missing the point completely. Obermann is either a huge fake or a complete asshole. But you can be the judge of that. @ www.olbermannwatch.com THE "NEW LIBERAL-socialist-way" The old liberals are dead.