Wednesday, January 14, 2009

KAZAM... over rated people... oprah....

$ oprah.........* $ Bill o'reilly is the new Queen bee of the T.V.
F*tarded and over rated oprah , the queen bee Oprah is super over rated. She's as dumb as a box of rocks, and stil has more money than you, how the hell did this happen. The (TV) networks should of dropped her lame shows a long time ago. but affirmative action keeps her dumb butt in the talkshow bizz. WHO THE HELL WATCHES HER SHOW? probably the same dumb sucks that watch THE VIEW. --------------------------------- more over rated blk people..... (GOLF) $ Tiger woods,,,,,,* Golf sucks. =============================, (NBA) $ M. Jordan,,,,,,,,* Magik was better. K. Bryant,,,,,,,,* flash Dwyane Wade ftw. King labron James,,* flash Dwyane Wade ftw. =============================, (politics) $ OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, HE Thinks he's Abraham Linkin. kazam is highly over rated. -$ -$ -$ Jesse jackson/Al Sharpton??????? same old same old politics, they can't break away from the left.