2008 / nov /23RD.
So whats missing in the default suck/gnome desktop.
cdrecord ---> missing
so install cdrecord my self.
~$ apt-get install cdrecord.
mkisofs ---> also missing from my default instal.
icedove/thunderbird was also missing.
but debian4.5
lenny did have the extremely out-dated mutt installed.
wht is mutt installed in my desktop and not icedove?
I installed icedove and i'm never going to use mutt.
rythembox was also forced on me.
why no xmms?
xmms is a classic and it worked great on mimi distros like (damn-small-linux ) when i use it.
I still can't sort out my old audio card so i may switch
distros. but not so fast because i don't use my old computer to much.
( no audio is not a deal breaker for me yet.)
old computer with a 200mhz proccesor is not going o be a media server any ways.
i installed icewm and disable gdm and gnome
and i will use the old 200mhz pc for email.
gnome can't run on 32mb of ram . icewm works okay for my email needs .
gnomes file manager is to bloated for old 200mhz pc
so i installed xfe , rox-filler and mc.